Earth worm in MacDonald hamburger?
In Japan we have lots of rumor about MacDonald.
For example, if you insist that hamburger you bought was
When you buy hamburger, go to shop boss, and tell him, I found an earthworm in hamburger meat. And then, shop boss invite you to the special room and give you $100.
When I did this in childhood, I cannot get any money at that time and later day I was invited to special room in school, and got angry by teacher.
MacDonald does not seem to use earth worm to their hamburger, but today’s news say they have used Chinese expired meat for their chicken nugget.
‘Expired’ beef and chicken supplied to McDonald’s and KFC in China
Both immediately stopped using meat from the supplier once the revelations emerged.
Mon 11:54 AM 12,768
MCDONALD’S AND KFC in China are facing a new food safety scare after a Shanghai television station reported a supplier sold them expired beef and chicken.
The companies said they immediately stopped using meat from the supplier, Husi Food Co., Ltd. The Shanghai office of China’s food and drug agency said it was investigating and told customers to suspend use of its products.
Dragon TV said Sunday that Husi, owned by OSI Group of Aurora, Illinois, repackaged stale beef and chicken and put new expiration dates on them. It said they were sold to McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut restaurants.
The report added to a series of food safety scares in China that have battered public confidence in dairies, fast food outlets and other suppliers.
McDonald’s Corp. and Yum Brands Inc., which owns KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, said in separate statements they were conducting their own investigations.
Maybe I should say this earth worm seem to be expired!
And we have also rumor about MacDonald chair.
Reason of uncomfortable  MacDnald chair
Almost all McDonald’s chair is uncomfortable. It’s very hard & narrow. It is because they try to kick out customer as soon as possible to sell more hamburgers as possible as they can. It’s their marketing strategy. It increase sales and improving the turnover rate of seats
I don’t know this rumor is true or not. But it’s certainly MacDonald chair is very uncomfortable.
In addition that, McDonald’s hamburger is bad taste and shop is bad smell.
Yes, certainly we don’t want to stay longer. Is it their effort to kick out customer to improve the turnover rate of seats?
Macdonald has not announced official comment about that. I want to believe it is just a rumor.
And I hope MacDonald change their seat to more comfortable one. Because we don’t go to Macdonald to eat delicious food, but we go to Macdonald to stay longer.
When I went to Macdonald, The person sitting right next to me seems to be very very uncomfortable. He changed sitting pose many times.
To see such uncomfortable person make me sick.
At first, he was reading book after meal.

But he seem to be uncomfortable between narrow chair and table. he hold his leg.
And he start to sleep. it’s not so comfortable sleeping style.
Yes, he changed his sleeping pose.
But he still seems unconfortable in narrow chair and table.
finally he stretch out his leg, it seem to be good pose for his sleep.
Now he fall in sleep peacefully.
But comparing to the ideal sleeping position, Sleeping in MacDnald is not so good.
Sadly this is MacDnald quality.
But hey man, here is not hotel, here is MacDnald!
So bizarre, yet arousing.