Why Otaku people wear uniform at young girl idol concert?
If you go to young girl’s idol group concert, you will see lots of Otaku who wear uniform.
Basically player wears uniform. And audience should wear casually. But strangely fanatic Otaku fans wear uniform even though they are just an audience.
Lots of fanatic otaku fan wear uniform to show their love for their favorite idol girls.
But this love is not a dirty love what you are think. it is pure love. (maybe)
Their uniforms have lots of texts. Some are print, some are stitchwork.
These texts are mainly name of girls. Some are lyric of their songs or their passionate message.
There are 3 types of uniform.
1. T-shirts
2. Happi
3. Tokkoufuku
1. T-shirts
T-shirts is very popular because it’s cheap and good at violent action.
2. Happi
Happi is originally Japanese traditional festival uniform. This is also cheap and easy to wear.basically text is just a print.

he delcare his love. his love will be true.
2.5 Extream passionate happi uniform
these guys put favorite girls picture and canned batch. they show their love by quantity of piture & canned batchies.
3. Tokkoufuku
This is ultimate uniform.
This Tokkoufuku is famous as aggressive Bousouzoku uniform. Bousouzoku is Japanese bike gang. Tokkou means suicide attach. basically Bousouzoku wear Tokkoufuku when they fight with police.
So lots of Japanese people are intimidated by Tokkoufuku. But no people are afraid of Otaku people. But when Otaku people wear Tokkoufuku, people think that Otaku must be crazy and people are scared not for the violent fearfulness, but for their mental disordering fearfulness.
So I recommend you, foreign people not to wear Tokkofuku when you entering Japan at airport security gate if you really want to enter Japan.

Otaku people become crazy because they love their favorite idol girls too much. and this cause their mental balance disordring.
But I think it is not only Otaku.
Love make any people go crazy.
Even these Otaku are crazy, almost all Otaku never do tattoo. At least I have never met Otaku who do Tattoo of their favorite idol girls name.